My name is Kathleen and I'm the baker in the house. I also love to cook, which I usually do with my fiance, Brad. We were drawn to one another, in part, by our mutual love of food and wine, and we enjoy spending time together pursuing both.
If you had to pick which of us is the baker, and which the chef, it would be pretty easy. When I'm in the kitchen there's nothing I love more than a good, precise recipe. Give me the ingredients and instructions and I can make just about anything. Leave out an ingredient, forget to list a step? Yikes!
The name of this blog comes from my most dreaded instruction in a recipe: "bake until done." At what temperature? How long until it should be done? Gah, I need more information! Brad, on the other hand, is a freewheeling innovator in the kitchen. Recipe says use thyme but he prefers rosemary? Rosemary it will be. There's an ingredient in the recipe that we don't have in the house? He deftly swaps it out; I grab my car keys and head to the store. Precision in baking is a good thing. In cooking, it can be very limiting.
This blog will feature food by each of us and both of us. Hopefully you'll find something here you like and will enrich your experience in the kitchen and at the dinner table (or standing in the kitchen, no judgement here).
Bon appetit and happy reading!
Photo attribution: The very talented Dawn Sparks.
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